Safeguarding Policy

If you’re a parent your children will find Rok Skool a safe, welcoming and non-judgmental place.  All of our tutors are DBS checked and bring a youthful energy which will inspire your children.  Our safeguarding officer is Pat.

  1. Purpose:
    The purpose of this Safeguarding Policy is to ensure the safety and well-being of all students, staff, and visitors at the Rok Skool. It aims to provide a safe and inclusive environment for everyone involved in the school's activities.

    2. Commitment:
    The Rok Skool is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all individuals, especially children and young people. We strive to create a culture of openness, respect, and vigilance towards safeguarding matters.

    3. Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL):
    The Rok Skool’s DSL is Pat Kaye.  She has the responsibility for overseeing the implementation of this policy, providing advice and support to staff, and liaising with external agencies as required.

    4. Staff Responsibilities:
    All staff members are expected to be familiar with this Safeguarding Policy and follow the guidelines outlined within it. They should be aware of the signs and indicators of abuse, know how to respond appropriately, and report any concerns to the DSL.

    5. Recruitment and Training:
    Rok Skool will implement thorough recruitment procedures, including appropriate background checks, to ensure the suitability of staff and volunteers working with children. Regular safeguarding training will be provided to all staff members.

    6. Reporting and Recording:
    Any concerns or disclosures of abuse will be taken seriously and dealt with promptly and confidentially. Staff members should document any incidents or concerns using the school's reporting procedures and share the information with the DSL.

    7. Partnership with Parents and Carers:
    Rok Skool  recognizes the importance of working in partnership with parents and carers to promote the welfare of students. We will communicate openly with them and involve them in decision-making processes where appropriate.

    8. Risk Assessment and Health and Safety:
    Rok Skool will regularly review and update its risk assessments to ensure the safety of all individuals. Health and safety measures will be in place to prevent accidents, and appropriate procedures will be followed in case of emergencies.

    9. Online Safety:
    Rok Skool will have measures in place to educate students about online safety, including the responsible use of technology and social media in the control of Rok Skool. Staff members will be vigilant in monitoring and addressing any online safeguarding concerns.

    10. Review and Monitoring:
    This Safeguarding Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with relevant legislation and guidance. Any necessary updates or improvements will be made, and the school community will be informed of any changes.

    This policy will be made available to all staff members, parents, carers and guardians on request by contacting