Rock 'n' roll Guitar Lessons in Haywards Heath

At Rok Skool, we offer guitar lessons to help progress your skills. Whether you're a beginner or have been playing for years, we teach all types of guitar lessons, from acoustic guitar to electric guitar, whatever your preference, we'll be here to teach you to rock out. Meet our Rok Skool guitar tutors. Tom is our expert in all things strings. Providing you with a guitar lesson where you'll leave feeling like a rock 'n' roll performer. Our Guitar instructors don't just teach you how to play guitar, but how performing can change the way you rock out. Our learning experience helps you with cool guitar tricks, whilst learning your music theory in a relaxed and enjoyable way. So get out your electric guitars, or whatever takes your fancy and book in with our guitar tutors today.

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Listen to what our students have to say

  • "Rok Skool is the best because I like learning my chords and jamming with Gav. He's so cool because he can play every instrument. I want to be like him"

    Luke (6 years old)

  • "Every dream or desire you have ever had about becoming a musician or singer starts here at Rok Skool. Every facility you need is here to play music or sing."


  • "My 8 year old Daughter has done a term of drum lessons at Rok Skool and is loving it!

    Highly recommended for music lessons."


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What age is best to start learning guitar?

The best age to learn to play guitar is totally dependant on the persons interest, motivation, and physical ability. In general, there is no "right" age to start learning guitar, as it is possible to learn at any age, from children as young as 4 years old to adults in their 80s or 90s. That being said, there are some factors to consider when deciding if you or your child is ready to start learning guitar. Younger children may have smaller hands and may struggle to reach certain chords or notes. However, they may benefit from starting with a smaller-sized guitar or ukulele to make it easier to play. Older children and adults may have more developed fine motor skills and may be able to progress more quickly. However, they may also have other commitments and responsibilities that can make it more challenging to find time for regular practice. Ultimately, the best age to learn to play guitar is whenever the individual has a strong interest in learning and is willing to commit to regular practice. A good guitar teacher can work with students of all ages to help them develop their skills and achieve their musical goals.

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What happens in our guitar classes?

Playing the guitar is a magical experience. We teach you how to become one with your instrument. It's not just about playing the right chords. At Rok Skool, we'll teach you how to start playing like your idols, things other musicians strive for. Play popular songs, and songs you love, we don't judge! Our lessons involve getting to know your level, understanding your goals, which might be playing a solo of your dreams, having fun, learning a musical ear to one day become a professional, or getting ready to take your guitar grades, whatever a guitarists dream, we can teach you. Whether it's funk, metal, classical influences, strumming or guitar courses to help progress your riffs and chords, we got you covered. From the basics all the way to ensuring you haven't picked up any bad habits, our tutors are on hand to give you the complete rock 'n' roll experience to learning guitar.


How many guitar lessons do I need to get good?

The amount of guitar lessons you need to get good depends on many factors, including your natural talent, your dedication to practicing, and the complexity of the techniques and styles you want to learn. The reality is, it takes time and consistent effort to become a good guitar player. Even with regular lessons, progress can take several months or even years. The number of guitar lessons you need also depends on your individual goals. If you want to learn how to strum some basic chords and play a few simple songs, you may only need a few lessons to get started. However, if you want to become the next Jimmy Hendrix and master more complex techniques and styles, you may need to take lessons for a longer period of time. The goal of taking guitar lessons is to improve your skills and have fun playing the instrument. Rather than focusing on a specific number of lessons, it's more important to set goals for what you want to achieve and work with your instructor to develop a plan to help you reach those goals.

Can I teach myself to play guitar?

While it's possible to learn how to play guitar on your own, there are many reasons why getting guitar lessons from a qualified instructor can be way more useful: - Structured Learning: Good guitar tutors can provide you with a structured approach to learning that can help you progress much quicker and avoid getting stuck in a rut and creating bad habits. Our tutors can give you a clear path for what you need to learn and in what order, and can help you set achievable goals. - Personalised 1-1's: A guitar teacher can provide personalised lessons tailored to your needs and goals. They can pick out your strengths and weaknesses and help you work on specific areas that need improvement. Our tutors can also provide feedback and guidance on your technique, posture, and playing style. - Feedback: Our guitar tutors can provide feedback on your progress and help keep you accountable for practicing regularly. They can also help you overcome any obstacles you encounter along the way. - Exposure to New Styles and Techniques: A good guitar teacher can expose you to new styles of music and different techniques that you might not otherwise discover on your own. This can broaden your musical genres and help you become a more versatile player. - Faster Progress: With a guitar teacher, you can expect to progress faster than if you were teaching yourself. A teacher can provide you with the tools and resources you need to improve more quickly and efficiently. We don't think you need any more convincing, come and join our buzzing musical community at Rok Skool.

How often should I practice guitar?

To make progress on the guitar, it's important to practice regularly. How often you should practice depends on your musical goals and free time, but in general, most guitar teachers recommend practicing for at least 20-30 minutes a day, 5-7 days a week. This consistent practice schedule will help you build muscle memory, improve your technique, and make progress more quickly. It's important to note that the quality of your practice is more important than the quantity. A focused, productive practice session can be more effective than a longer practice session where you're not fully focused. When practicing, it's helpful to set specific goals and work on specific skills or techniques, rather than just playing through the same songs or exercises each time. On the other hand, it's important to listen to your body and avoid practicing for too long without taking breaks. Playing guitar can be physically demanding, and taking regular breaks can help prevent fatigue and injury. Our lessons are once every week, that give you all the tools you need to practise throughout the week, improve your skills and learn to rock out to your favourite songs. 

Interested in other instruments?

Take a look at our other music classes

  • Singing Lessons

    Our vocal coaching sessions are taught one-to-one, or in small groups. Each lesson is bespoke, tailoring the session to your voice and ability. Our expert vocal coaches – great singers in their own right – will teach you how to ‘place’ your voice to improve tone and resonance. The coaching is geared towards the modern contemporary sound and style of singing.

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  • Keyboard Lessons

    Emphatically not your standard piano lessons with their music theory and Grades. You will be learning ‘chord piano’ – a fast-track to keyboard joy! It will involve inversions, arpeggios and classic pop/rock material, building you up as a contemporary keyboard player, with keyboard skills will that last you a lifetime.

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  • Drum Lessons

    Before a drum kit takes up half your house, come to us and we’ll put you behind a kit and help develop a sense of rhythm with a sets of drum exercises and associated songs. Once you advance you will have the opportunity to join a Rok Skool Band.

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  • Bass Lessons

    Whatever your age, we’ll get you going, with the development option of putting you into a band and a real bass-playing situation. Ultimately, if you’re a bass player, it’s about playing with other musicians.

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