Sound Strategies
music centered workplace team building activities
What are the biggest challenges in your business right now? Are you grappling with issues related to culture, behaviour, communication, innovation, teamwork or performance? Whatever you’re facing, we’re here to help. Led by Rok Skool's team of business leaders and musicians, Sound Strategies offers a unique 'away day' experience like no other, crafted to ignite passion and enhance performance. We design experiences that are interactive, engaging, and tailored to address your team's specific needs and challenges. People leave with a greater understanding of – and confidence in – themselves, their team, their leadership and their organisation through corporate bonding and creative exercises.

Who can benefit from the Sound Strategies experience?
- Existing high or low performing teams
- New teams brought together through merger or restructuring
- Corporate teams and their clients, whether internal or external
- Multi-disciplinary teams who have been brought together to work on new projects
- Board and senior leadership teams
How it works
Working with the Sound Strategy team, we can provide a bespoke and flexible delivery model. Our team will work with you prior to the day to ensure that time spent with us is used efficiently and addresses the key issues you team would like to explore, but also that this learning experience remains a fun and inspiring one. Components of a day at Sound Strategies can include:
• Team culture: Identifying what type of organisation and team you are. What are your corporate, team and individual Rock Personas?
• Stakeholders: Who is your audience, what is your fan base, who are your collaborators?
• Leadership styles: What type of leadership styles work best for your team? Who makes the better leader - composer, singer, drummer or producer?
• Barriers to success: What are your corporate, team and personal barriers to: creativity and innovation? To team work and better communication?
• Innovation: What is the connection between music, innovation, creativity, and team work?
• Project planning: Why does Innovation require effective project management – can the band play without a leader? Is improvisation really improvised or planned?
This will form the major part of the day. Your team, under the guidance
of the Rok Skool musicians, will have the opportunity to learn new
musical skills in smaller sub-groups. No previous knowledge or
experience of music will be required. Each musical sub-group will work
on the component part of a single piece of music. Different music
genres can be selected prior to the day from classic rock, West End
musicals, R&B, and swing. Different musical groups can include:• Vocal – working on a team of up to 20 learning listening, singing, improvisation and performance skills.
• Percussion - working in a group of up to 4 people learning basic percussion and performance skills.
• Guitar - working in a group of up to 6 people learning basic rhythm and bass guitars and performance skills.
• Keyboards – working in a group of up to 4 people learning basic chords, improvisation rhythm and performance techniques.
• Horns – working in a group of up to 4 people learning basic brass performance skills.
• Production and composition - working in a group of up to 4 people learning production and basic composition techniques.
Teams work in their musical sub-groups on one overall musical piece led by different Rok Skool musicians. The sub-groups will come together during various touch points throughout the day. Your team will learn how to identify what works and what does not, how to fail fast and pivot to new opportunities. They will also learn presentation and performance skills and experience different leadership styles in rehearsal sessions. A final performance of the entire team can be recorded.At the conclusion of the day your team will have the opportunity to reflection what has worked well for them and what has not as well as to agree what team action points and takeaways they wish to adopt and implement.
The site
A large and vibrant space that can seat up to 100 people. With large TVs and a talking stage, our space is a perfect venue for your team, or events. Join us for a Sound Strategies session, or for private hire.
The Sound Strategies Team
Experienced business leaders with a proven successful track record of leading multi-disciplinary teams in the professional services sector.
Learning and development professionals with demonstrable expertise in supporting cultural and structural business change in major corporates all with personal and team coaching skills.
Professional multi-instrumental musicians with a unique teaching methodology working with adult students of all levels of musical experience.
Rory Kaye
Rory Indiana Kaye is Rok Skool CEO & Son of Founder Hereward Kaye. A seasoned performer, Rory has graced renowned festivals such as Reading & Leeds, Isle of Wight, Liverpool Sound City, 2000 Trees, Truck & Y Not Festival. His talents have garnered recognition from BBC Radio 1, Radio 6 Music, Amazing Radio & BBC Introducing. Notably, major publications like Kerrang and Rock Sound have bestowed his music with glowing 4K reviews, solidifying his standing in the music industry.
Sarah Harrison
Sarah spent 20 years in Employee Engagement and Business Communications. She is a group facilitator and executive coach (Level 7). She was formerly the UK & Ireland president of the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC)
Mike Rebiero
Mike Rebiero has over 30 years experience working as a lawyer, international law, advising on disruptive technologies and innovation. He was a senior partner in a top 10 global law firm and led multinational teams across the Americas, Europe, The Middle East, Asia and Australia. He is also chairman of two national UK charities.
Leon Kaye
Leon co-founded Rok Skool back in 2007 and has 20 years experience as a tutor, session musician and multi-instrumentalist. He specialises in group dynamics and team listening. Leon has a special interest in how individual lived experience impacts individual and group performance. Leon is also a qualified counsellor, currently training as a psychotherapist.

How Can Sound Strategies Help Your Business?
Through a mixture of interactive sessions grounded in music history, practice and performance and coupled with business leadership skills and experiences, Rok Skool's team of business leaders and musicians can help your team:
• Identify team issues which are affecting performance, whether they be connected with culture , leadership, lack of communication, team work, ambition or planning.
• Improve individual and team morale and performance
• Encourage a culture of constant innovation and creativity
• Encourage informed but measured risk-taking by giving participants the confidence to step out of their comfort zone to try now experiences.
• Enhance team and individual confidence, presentation, and performance skills.
• Foster team work and communication skills.
• Prepare for new corporate, team and individual challenges.
• Celebrate success!